Call for Papers
Abstract Submission Deadline: July 31st, 2015
Final Approval: August 1st, 2015
The Starship Congress organizing committee is inviting papers to the Technical Presentation session of the two day conference, on the topics generally related to:
Friday September 4th, 2015
New work currently underway with near term applications in technical fields relating to systems and methods relating to deep space exploration. Ideal papers would be actionable by student and stakeholder involvement, employment and participation in the fields of:
Power and Propulsion for deep space exploration (eg. fusion, fission, ion, plasma, solar systems used ie for power plants, batteries, primary and secondary propulsion, etc)
Materials advances with Aerospace Applications (eg., graphene uses in space industry, structural materials and components, heat pipes, radiators, etc),
Communications and Navigation systems (eg. inflatable antennas, communications relays, astronavigation, algorithms, interplanetary internet),
Spacecraft Design and Mission Planning (eg. kuiper and oort cloud object probes, cubesats, waystations, exoplanet imagers, asteroid and deep space dwarf planet explorers
Saturday September 5th, 2015
Future studies relating to trends in civilization and culture as we approach the “Interstellar Era”, where interstellar exploration is feasible and interplanetary travel is accessible and commonplace. Ideal papers examine the human perspective of “a future worth believing and worth hoping for” (Nick Nielsen), as the world undergoes rapid, sometimes dangerous changes.
Interstellar Space Exploration and Earth Society (eg. utopian or dystopian? how society might motivate the broad settlement of space, the desire or need for space migration)
Future Earth History (eg. examining social trends which lead to a future where humanity is able to inhabit ours and other star systems, realizing the Earth’s future by acting in the present)
The Arts of Space (eg. space inspired art and design, connecting space and arts, space art in science fiction and science fact, video demonstrations and animations welcome).
Living and Working in Space (eg. living and thriving on a worldship, how do we open up space to the job market, industrialization of space, generating sustainable space jobs)
Submission Guidelines
Please email your name, talk title, session name and abstract to by July 31st, 2015. Notification of approved papers will be sent out August 1st, 2015.
Approved abstracts will be invited to submit a paper to be included in the proceedings of the conference.
Please email us at with any questions.
We look forward to receiving your submissions!
Hotel Reservations
Our preferred hotel for the conference is the Sheraton University City Hotel: Philadelphia Hotel. Group rate of $139+tax is available until August 21, 2015. Reservation link:
There are many beautiful hotels and amazing art and science museums in downtown Philadelphia, which we encourage you to enjoy. We will be planning an informal tour of Philadelphia on the Sunday after the conference for those who want to take it all in and enjoy the city.
By “hacking” the great challenges of interstellar space exploration, Icarus Interstellar’s objective is to encourage innovative solutions which have application to real world problems—such as communication, energy, and social problems we on earth face today.
About Starship Congress: Interstellar Hackathon
Starship Congress is a biennial, two-day fest, organized by Icarus Interstellar—a non-profit dedicated to starship research—that brings together deep-space science superstars, interstellar mavens, thought-leaders, technologists, and enthusiasts alike, to brainstorm cutting-edge concepts.
This year’s event is being hosted by Drexel University (home to the first collegiate chapter of Icarus Interstellar) in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, on September 4 and 5.
Starship Congress 2015 @ Drexel University aims interface students, companies developing innovative technologies, artists and thinkers contemplating the future of our civilization as we approach the Interstellar Era.